
Generally speaking, you will receive better care at a private hospital than a public hospital here in San Miguel. That being said, the care at the two private hospitals in town seems to be inconsistent, so consider yourself warned. Fortunately, there are good doctors with private offices all over town. Plan ahead so that you’re ready should you need one.

The following table lists the most popular private medical facilities in town. The importance of finding a doctor you like and trust before you need one cannot be stressed enough.

The Clinic SMA Lib.José Manuel Zavala 96, Colonia San Antonio 415.152.2255 Not a hospital but a full service clinic with great reviews.
Hospital Joya San Miguel Lib.José Manuel Zavala 12-A, Zona Centro 415.152.5900 Phone number goes to a bilingual menu. Reviews are hit and miss.
MAC Hospital SMA Cam.a Alcocer 12, La Luciérnaga, 415.150.3900 Phone number goes to a menu in Spanish. Reviews are hit and miss.


Besides the huge savings you will enjoy on your medical care, another advantage of living here in Mexico is that you don't need a doctor's order to get a lab test. So, for example, if you suspect that you have parasites (more common than you might imagine), you can simply go to one of the medical labs in town and ask them for a test.

What’s more, many labs will send someone to your home to draw blood or pick up your stool sample. What a deal.

I’ve listed three of the most popular labs on the following page, but there are many others available.

Laboratorio Médico del Chopo Ancha de San Antonio 123 and in La Luciérnaga 800.002.4676 What'sapp: 556.481.1373
Laboratorio Clinico Lab San Miguel Salida a Celaya 27, 415.154.6380
Laboratorio San Francisco Calle de Loreto 49, Zona Centro 415.152.4612 Have staff who speak English.