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Three Kings Day (Día de Tres Reyes/Magos)

January 6

Also known as Epiphany, on this day children are given gifts in memory of the gifts given to the baby Jesus by the Magi.  In the days leading up to the 6th, children often write letters to the three kings requesting a gift, and can sometimes get their picture taken with them (sound familiar?).  The night before, the three kings are placed in the nativity scene, and children anxiously await morning to see what gifts the kings have brought them.

Beginning about a week before Three Kings Day, you will see loaves of Rosca de Reyes all around town.  This is a special sweet bread in the shape of a wreath with little candied fruits on top.  It also has one or more little plastic baby Jesus' baked into it, which diners try to avoid, unless they are anxious to be the official "tamale bringers" of the February 2nd Candelaria party (see February events).