What documents do I need to list my home for sale?

To list your home for sale with Realty San Miguel, you will need to provide

  1. ID*
  2. copies of your deed
  3. property tax bill (predial)
  4. your CFE bill

* Copies of IDs need to be provided for every person named on the deed. The copies can be physical or digital.

By providing these documents, your agent will be able to help you check your potential capital gains taxes and find a strategy to minimize them if necessary. The agent will also make sure all of the construction at your property is properly reflected on your tax bill so that there are no problems which could cause a delay at closing.

Elsewhere in our FAQs you’ll find explanations of capital gains taxes and the importance of working with an agent who is experienced in helping clients minimize these taxes.

Do note that you should never sign a listing agreement for the sale of your home without having an estimate on your capital gains tax.