MX Phone: 415.185.8311 or 415.185.8407

US & Canada Phone: 1 (214) 550.4898

Medical Care

If your medical need is not so urgent, ask around for a good doctor or dentist and call to make an appointment. Sometimes you will be referred to a specialist in Celaya or Queretaro, but there are also many fine physicians here in San Miguel.

If you prefer more natural oriented doctors and practitioners, you've come to the right town. San Miguel is chock-full of naturopaths, homeopathic doctors, chiropractors, osteopaths, massage therapists, nutritionists, herbalogists, etc. Again, the Civil SMA Page is your best bet for local recommendations.

Besides the huge savings you will enjoy on your medical care, another advantage of living here in Mexico is that you don't need a doctor's order to get a lab test. So, for example, if you suspect that you have parasites (more common than you might imagine),you can simply go to one of the medical labs in town and ask them for a test.

hospital hospital (ohs pee TAL)
the (main) highway el libramiento (el lee brah MIEN toh)
emergency urgencia (ur HEN see ah)